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The Miracle of Christ's Birth Is My Wonderful Comfort

How does Christ’s holy conception and birth benefit me?  Christ was not only the son of Adam, that is, a true man.  Christ occupied a position like that of Adam.  Christ is the last Adam.  Just as the first Adam represented me when he fell into sin and I was thus born in sin,  so also Christ represents me and I share in His holiness.  This does not mean that I am now born without sin.  Rather, it means that Christ covers the sin in which I am conceived and born.  The Father does not look at me as I am in myself,  but looks upon me in Christ.  Christ’s holiness, His purity and innocence are imputed to me  so that the Father regards me as holy, pure and innocent.  This is a wonderful comfort for me.  By nature I am born a child of wrath. Like all other children I was conceived and born in sin and subject to condemnation.  However, through God’s grace in Christ I am sanctified,  and Christ covers my sin so that I am acceptable in God’s sight.  In a way the miracle of Christ’s birth is ref

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